European Sensory Science Society (E3S)
Als nationale Sensorik-Organisation vertritt die DGSens Deutschland in der Europäischen Sensorik Organiation E3S.
Alle Mitglieder der DGSens können dadurch automatisch die Vorteile der europäischen Organisation nutzen.
E3S Annual Symposium 2023
E3S Annual Symposium 2024
The European Sensory Science Society (E3S) is a no profit organization devoted to promote co-operation, shared goals, integration of activities, knowledge and information exchange among national sensory science organisations across Europe.
It was constituted in Florence (Italy) on the 12th of May 2011, from the joining of national sensory societies from twelve countries:
Members 2023
- AUSTRIA - Sensory Network Austria (SNÖ)
- DENMARK - Danish Sensory Society/Dansk Sensorik Selskab (D2S)
- FINLAND - Finnish Society of Food Science and Technology (ETS)
- FRANCE - Société Française d’Analyse Sensorielle (SFAS)
- GERMANY - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sensorik (DGSens)
- IRELAND -Sensory Food Network Ireland (SFNI)
- ITALY - talian Sensory Science Society (SISS)
- NORWAY - Norwegian Sensory Society (NSN)
- SLOVENIA - Slovenian Hub for Sensory Food Research (Website)
- SPAIN - Spanish Professionals Association of Sensory Science (AEPAS)
- SWEDEN - Swedish Sensory Network (SSN)
- SWITZERLAND - Food Sensory Science Group (IG Sensorik)
- THE NETHERLAND - Sensory Profgroup – Vakgroep Sensorisch Onderzoek (VSO)
- UNITED KINGDOM - UK IFST Sensory Science Group (IFST)
The goal of the association, concerning general interest and social utility, is to gather, within a single organization, the European Sensory Science Society (E3S), all national organisations that deal with sensory science and operate in European countries.
- Facilitate the growth of Sensory Science
- Promote co-operation, shared goals, integration of activities and knowledge, information exchange amongst national sensory science organisations in Europe
- Establish, maintain and enhance the professional status of sensory scientists
- Develop and disseminate research, innovation and education in sensory science
- Promote collaborative discussion and research
- Promote collaborative educational activities, such as Master and PhD courses
- Provide practical information for sensory practitioners
- Provide opportunities for networking, through formal and informal events, membership lists, etc.
- Encourage novice sensory scientists to enter the profession
- Promote continuing professional development of sensory scientists through a variety of means, such as mentoring, travel awards, training courses, workshops, conferences, etc.
- Provide career advice for sensory scientists
- Promote the professional conduct of sensory scientists by upholding ethical, legal and appropriate laboratory practices
- Be author and/or edit published material on sensory science, including manuals, standards, newsletters, websites and journals
- Link with sensory science organisations outside Europe
- Organise a bi-annual European sensory conference
- Organise ad hoc conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses
- Support/adopt an international scientific journal
- Maintain a society website
- Contribute to the European Committee for Standardization and the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)
Mehr Informationen zur European Sensory Science Society (E3S) finden Sie unter
Die E3S Vorsitzende über die DGSens...
Grußbotschaft von der E3S Vorsitzenden Carolina Chaya anläßlich unseres 10jährigen Jubiläums als DGSens.
E3S Student Group
The E3S Student & Early Stage Researcher group was founded in 2015 to help students from across Europe to network, and have a voice in the wider professional sensory community as the students of today are the future of sensory tomorrow.
The newly established group aims to:
- Develop a network of sensory science students across Europe
- Provide a platform where sensory science students can communicate with one another
- Improve the national sensory science groups of each European country associated with E3S
- Contribute monthly posts to the student space of the E3S website
- Instigate student specific events at already existing sensory conferences, as well as organising unique student events in the future
The group would like to build up a network of students working in sensory science from across all of the European countries involved in E3S. If you, or someone you know, would like to be involved please contact
Letztes Update dieser Seite: Dez 2019