Bookable events...
Buchbare Veranstaltungen
- Di 08.10.2024 Webinar Produkt Stories
- Do 7.11.2024 Jahresmitgliederversammlung 2024 DGSens e.V.
- Do 7.11.2024 Fortbildung: Check-all-that-apply (CATA)
- Do 7.11.2024 Fortbildung: Visualisierung von Ergebnissen
- Do 7.11.2024 Fortbildung: Die bittere Wahrheit! - revised
- Do 7.11.2024 Abendveranstaltung Restaurant Ritter
- Fr 8.11.2024 - Deutscher Sensoriktag
Hinweis für DGSens Mitglieder
Alle DGSens Mitglieder sind automatisch auch Mitglieder der E3S, d.h. als DGSens Mitglied können Sie alle Veranstaltungen zum reduzierten Preis buchen!
Registration Support
Download Registration Guide in English
E3S_Registration_Guide_V3.pdf (1,3 MiB)Important notes for your registration
Registration confirmation
After completion of a registration you'll receive an automatically generated e-mail confirming your successful registration and itemizing the events (and potential fees) you booked. This is the only confirmation you'll receive. No further confirmation email will be send.
Participation fees
If you have registered for events subject to a fee, you will receive an invoice prior to the event. Please do not transfer any money without receiving our final invoice and payment instructions.
Please note that all fees shown in the booking tool are with 7% VAT inlcuded, now.
Issues during registration process
In some cases people face issues with our on-line registration - which may be caused by company restricitve cookie rules or fire-wall settings. It appears easier to register from a private computer instead of using a company computer then, consequently.
If your registration still fails, please send us an informal e-mail indicating the events you want to participate. We are confident to find a solution then, accordingly. We appreciate your understanding.
Cancellation policy
Cancellation of booked events: Written de-registration (also per mail to are possible but will cause the following adminsitration fees:
- until 30 days prior to the day of the booked event: 10% of the participation fee
- until 7 days prior to the day of the booked event: 50% of the participation fee
- later than 7 days prior to the day of the booked event: 100% of the participation fee
- non-attendance without de-registration: 100% of the participation fee
But please note that your registration is transferable to another person in case you can't join.
Letztes Update dieser Seite: Jan 2024